

7 Pin din to dual 1/4" TRS cable for switching EVH 5150 III 100W Amplifier functions

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Cable price: $0.76
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  • Base price: $53.50

7 Pin din to dual 1/4" TRS cable for switching EVH 5150 III 100W Amplifier functions

This cable features a 7 pin din to plug into the EVH 5150 III 100W amplifier and dual 1/4" TRS connectors for plugging into various pedal switchers/loopers for switching channels 1, 2, and 3. Please note, the FX Loop of this amplifier will not be switchable. This cable is wired to feature the FX Loop in the "On" position at all times.

Please note that your switcher must have (2) TRS switching ports in order for this cable to work. Devices such as the RJM Mastermind PBC, Fractal FX 8, Line 6 HX Effects, etc are all devices that will work with this cable.  Devices must be set to momentary switching.  If you are unsure of this cable's functionality with your equipment, please contact us with your questions. Also, please note that this cable is for the 100W version of this amplifier. The 50W version features MIDI built in.

    • Weight
      0.2 lbs
    • SKU
  • Manufacturer
    Best-Tronics Mfg., Inc.
  • TRS Connectors:
    Straight, Right Angle

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