1/4" TRS TO 7 Pin din maleto connect PEAVEY 5150 II & 6505+ to TC Electronics G-Major, Boss WAZA Tube Expander, Headrush Gigboard, Boss MS-3, and other devices with single TRS jack for amp switching control

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Cable price: $0.85
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  • Base price: $39.40

1/4" TRS TO 7 Pin din maleto connect PEAVEY 5150 II & 6505+ to TC Electronics G-Major, Boss WAZA Tube Expander, Headrush Gigboard, Boss MS-3, and other devices with single TRS jack for amp switching control

This cable connects to the Peavey 6505+ Amplifier and to the G-Major (or any other TRS Relay Switching Device). It is wired to switch the Crunch and Lead functions of the amplifier, while leaving the FX Loop as 'Always On.' If you'd like to inquire for a cable that has the FX Loop off, some other configuration of this cable, or compatability questions on this cable, please e-mail us here.

    • Weight
      0.3 lbs
    • SKU
  • Manufacturer
    Best-Tronics Mfg., Inc.

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